
Eliana’s Light, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Washington, DC. Our EIN number is: 32-0517020. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.

If you'd like to make a financial donation by credit or debit card, please click the button below. If you'd like to send a check, please make it payable to "Eliana's Light" and send it to: Eliana's Light, 5347 28th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20015.

Help A Local Family

Partner with us to support families within our community who have children with complex medical conditions. You can make a positive difference in their lives. Your donation supports customized gift packages and a personalized approach to care during a family’s most challenging of times. Together, we focus on the whole health and well-being of the whole family — the children, including siblings, and their caregivers — in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Many face extreme hardship and chronic stress.

Your gift is tax-deductible. We work with you as our partner, and welcome your collaboration. When you donate:

$10,000, you will support various programming areas that you can help co-create with Eliana's Light, while you enable us to give Eliana's Light Constellation Kits to 20 families.

  • $5,000, you will give personalized support to at least 3 local families, which includes gift bags of essential items and connections to specialists, other non-profits, and government agencies who can support each member of the family.

  • $1,000, you will support 1 family for 2 months or 2 families with their immediate needs.

  • $500, you will purchase a personalized and customized Eliana's Light Constellation Kit for a family.

  • $250, you will purchase 1/2 of a Constellation Kit, which will be supplemented with in-kind donations we receive from our Amazon Wish List or purchases we make from other donations.

  • up to $250, you will enable us to purchase items to include in the Constellation Kits for families.