If you are a caregiver of a child with a complex medical condition, you likely know well what stress is. You and your child, and possibly your other family members, may even have chronic stress...Your body, mind and spirit -- and your relationships -- are all affected.
But what does stress really do to your body? How does it affect you in the moment and over the long-term? Significant research shows that stress can cause new or worsen existing conditions.
Listen to Dr. Anne Berkeley, a licensed and board certified naturopathic physician who specializes in a holistic and integrative approach to health, combining modern medicine with traditional healing. Learn about the effects that stress has on the body and ways you can alleviate it. You will take away practical tips and tools you can use in your daily life. To learn more about Dr. Berkeley's practice, please visit her website.
We are offering this presentation online as part of our new learning series, "Conversations with a Caregiver" in order to increase the access caregivers have to the information.
If you're interested in learning more and accessing similar "Conversations with Caregivers", please sign up to receive Highlights. We welcome your ideas and questions, as we are collaboratively developing these Conversations so that they can be as helpful and relevant to you as possible. We look forward to your collaboration.